Thursday, March 10, 2011

News Release

Caleb Mosley
University of the Cumberlands
Student Journalist
6178 College Station Drive
Williamsburg, Kentucky 40769
For More Information, Contact:
(606) 682-4674

March 2, 2011

Mike Huckabee to speak at Leadership Seminar at University of the Cumberlands

WILLIAMSBURG, Ky.University of the Cumberlands, along with the Forcht Group of Kentucky Center for Excellence in Leadership, will present “Leadership in a Free and Strong America” with presidential candidate Mike Huckabee April 5, at 7 p.m., in the O. Wayne Rollins Center.
            Former Republican governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee has several achievements under his belt for being more than a candidate for presidency. Huckabee is a New York Times bestselling author, host of the number one rated hit “Huckabee” on the Fox News Channel, and can be heard on national radio daily on the “Huckabee Report” syndicated by the Citadel Media Network. He is a renowned Southern Baptist minister and widely popular public speaker.
            Dr. Larry Cockrum, Vice President of Academic Affairs at UC, said, “Having Governor Huckabee is a great opportunity for the campus as a whole. He is a nationally recognized figure and I think he will do a very good job in providing a lasting impression on the students.” Cockrum had a large part in acquiring Governor Huckabee for this year’s activities thanks to several contacts being affiliated with Huckabee’s campaign program.
            Tammy Smith, the Administrative Assistant to the Academic Dean, said, “I believe this will be a wonderful experience and opportunity for those that have this chance to come hear him speak. He really ‘fits the bill’ for what leadership in our community is all about.”
            Scheduled events for the leadership seminar will also include the presentation of awards to successful state and local government leaders and the special musical guest performance by Grammy award-winning, country music artist Lee Greenwood.
            The leadership lecture series is funded by local business owners Dr. Terry and Mrs. Marion Forcht, the founders of the Forcht Group of Kentucky Center for Excellence in Leadership. The Center hopes to instill a sense of leadership, character, and citizenship in their programs. Mike Huckabee is the most recent of past prominent speakers in the series that includes names such as Ben Stein and Karl Rove since the program started in 2006.
            Tickets for the seminar are currently available for free. To order tickets, visit the University of the Cumberlands website, or call the open ticket line at (606) 539-4432. Tickets are required for admission to the program.
            The University of the Cumberlands is a private, liberal arts college affiliated with the Kentucky Baptist Convention and located in Williamsburg, Ky.


Academy Awards Expecting Tight Race for Best Picture

The 83rd Annual Academy Awards are set for Feb. 27 and will see what is expected to be one of the closest races for Best Picture in recent years.
            This year’s Best Picture nominees see ten possible award winners. The movies nominated are “Black Swan,” “The Fighter,” “Inception,” “The Kids Are All Right,” “The King’s Speech.” “127 Hours,” “The Social Network,” “Toy Story 3,” “True Grit,” and “Winter’s Bone.”
            Cinematic analysts and critics are frantically trying to decide who the most likely winner of the award will be this year and most polls show the David Fencher-directed film “The Social Network” will be the favorite.
Tanna Orgeron, University of the Cumberlands professor of communication arts and member of the Society of Cinema and Media Studies, had a lot to say about the film’s chances. “The award has to be in the bag for The Social Network. It’s a movie that has garnered so much mass appeal. The closest competition for it up to this point has been ‘The King’s Speech’ but you’ll expect that from a traditional Weinstein-directed film,” said Orgeron.
            “The King’s Speech” is a British historical drama directed by Tom Hooper that has made a recent push in the cinematic community to certainly earn a reputable nomination in the Best Picture category. The movie also has actor Colin Firth as the early favorite for Best Actor and several other early awards that have certainly made it into a dethroning factor for “The Social Network.”
            Dr. Keith Semmel, chair of communication arts at UC also believes that the award will go to “The Social Network." Semmel said, “I really like to think that at this point it’s a deadlock between ‘The Social Network’ and ‘The King’s Speech,’ but I’ve got to hand it to David Fencher on this one. ‘The Social Network’ just feels like a generational movie, a movie of the decade. It has a resonating artistic value that says so much about audiences today.” Semmel went on to even compare David Fencher with other famous directors like George Lucas and Steven Spielberg.
            We can only wait and see what the results will be during the awards ceremony but it’s starting to seem like a runaway for “The Social Network.” “You’ve just got to feel like it’s David’s time at this point,” said Semmel.

Cumberlands Ultimate Team to Compete in Kentucky Tournament

The newest rendition of the University of the Cumberlands Ultimate Team is ready to compete in the “Beard of Zeus” tournament in Berea, Ky. on Feb. 12 to help gather support for the growing sport.
            Ultimate, or sometimes called Ultimate Frisbee, is a sport of growing popularity around the world and is starting to regain a little attention on the Cumberland campus. The school has been lacking any kind organized group of players for two years until the 2010 fall semester. The Adventure Club, the school organization that funds the Ultimate activities, competed in its first traveling tournament in Falmouth, Ky. last fall according to faculty sponsor Chris Sexton.
            Sexton, a former student at UC and current admissions counselor on campus, has taken the role of coach, mentor, and player for the team and hopes to build popularity for the sports. Sexton says, “The great thing about Ultimate is that it’s a game that is dedicated to the ‘Spirit of the Game’. There are no officials, just players who love to compete honestly. It’s a great environment that we can admire as a Christian school.”
            The opportunity to compete at a high level is abundant with the upcoming tournament this month. This tournament has a scheduled 10 teams competing that include somewhat larger schools such as Eastern Kentucky University, Western Kentucky University, and even the University of Louisville. UC is expected to take 15-20 players to compete for the two-day tourney.
            Chris Dillon, a sophomore at UC and a cutter on the Ultimate team, has been playing the game for six years since starting with his local high school Christian group in Springboro, Ohio. “The whole thing is just so fun like most would expect a sport to be, but the thing about Ultimate is that it has such a friendly environment. It’s very laid-back but you still get that competitive edge, not to mention all that running is great exercise,” said Dillon.
            The team usually has over 20 current and former students play throughout the year but hopes to get more to start traveling to the tournaments. “The sport is about fun so we are open to any of the students who want to play. I’d recommend it to anybody,” said Sexton.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Day and Life of Caleb Mosley

Matthew “Caleb” Mosley is currently enrolled at the University of the Cumberlands, currently unemployed by choice, and well into his sophomore year as a communication arts major. Caleb was born and raised in London, Ky. and is well-known as an active member of the UC student body.
A defining feature about Caleb is that he is a very active athlete. He has a recreational position on the Ultimate Frisbee team while also being offered scholarships in two sports. He is best known for his career in soccer and track & field for competing at a top-ranked state level.
Caleb now focuses on pursuing a master’s in communication arts and a career in sports journalism.
            Caleb’s dream of a career in sports journalism comes from his admiration for the culture of sports. Caleb plans on taking this course to gain a thorough knowledge of the world of a journalist to have a successful career with ESPN in 10 years. His favorite magazine is Sports Illustrated for obvious reasons.
Caleb recently watched the movies “Inception” and “Lord of the Rings” which he admires for the creative writing and plots. The same can be said for the books “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” and “The Blonde Bombshell.” His most recently purchased music was an album by The Killers because it’s his favorite band.
To learn more about his childhood, this article about North Laurel track & field explains a lot about Caleb’s passion for sports. Caleb Mosley is an avid believer that to have faith in one’s self, others, and God will ultimately lead one to understand the ideal of love.